Learning Bluegrass Fiddle
Kenny Kosek's videos/DVDs on bluegrass, country, western swing and old-time fiddle are easy, student-friendly beginner lessons. DVD One: Kenny Kosek shows the proper way to hold the fiddle and bow, and how to tune up and play basic scales. He then moves into slides, open-string drones, bowing patterns, rhythm playing, fills, intros and endings, vibrato and other essential techniques. Songs: Jack of Diamonds á B'ile Them Cabbage Down á Waterbound á Liberty á Bury Me Beneath the Willow. 65-MIN. VIDEO or DVD á INCLUDES MUSIC á LEVEL 1 DVD Two: Kenny teaches more advanced fiddle techniques in bluegrass and country-western styles, including a variety of slides, triplets, double-stop harmonies, rhythmic patterns, turnarounds, rolls plus a selection of fancy licks and endings. Songs: Dixon County Blues á Pig in a Pen á Sally Goodin á Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms á Orange Blossom Special. 70-MIN. VIDEO or DVD á INCLUDES MUSIC á LEVEL 1-2